Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Breath Beneath

The Breath Beneath. I have decided to leave all extra music out at this point and would appreciate your thoughts on the new version. This piece is one that explores the past, present, and future and how the memories from the past are held in our bodies influencing the present and the future. I find this understanding displayed through images of being under the surface and moments of being above as well as the few moments that the camera allows the viewer to experience both simultaneously. I really enjoyed the sounds that the camera makes and was playing with the edits to create the sound score simultaneously. I feel in someways I used Yann Tiersan as an additional element that could connect the piece together and it is possible that I didn't need that. Given my dance background I tend to rely heavy on the music and find my self in my video work doing the same. It is helpful for me in the editing process but just as I like to used music to choreograph I also like to change or drop the music all together for the final version. It is interesting to see how choreography crosses over into editing as well as the editing process into choreography. I think it is spellbinding how most thought the footage was 8mm and how everyone assumed the old footage was actually of my family. I used an underwater digital camera for the footage of myself and all other beach footage was found. I did find myself drawn to moments in the found footage that reminded me of my family and so in some ways I was still maintaining the spirit of my personal memory through anothers actual experience. The moment when the mother realizes the camera is on her she tries to hide herself and that is something my mother would constantly do if she realized she was in the shot.

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